

An all-women exhibition at Eton College, 10 November - 4 December 2014

As the first female artists-in-residence at Eton College, Liane Lang and Güler Ates, decided to mark the historic occasion by inviting Flora Fairbairn to co-curate an exhibition of women artists in the Drawing Schools Gallery. The exhibition takes its title, FROWARD,  from the 13th century word for ‘disposed to disobedience and opposition’, a school report criticism, but also a vital quality in people who wish to move society in a new direction.

Artists;  Alice AndersonGüler Ates,  Aideen BarryAnna BoggonEileen CooperLiane LangKate MccGwireVeronica Smirnoff & Kate Terry, were selected for their diverse range of artistic practices, which brought together, created a thought-provoking insight into the contemporary art scene in Britain.